Over the past many months, I gave myself the quest of rewatching/watching all of the James Bond films. For those counting at home, there are 25 James Bond movies.

I made a point to watch the movies in order of release because I wanted to get a sense of how the character of Bond and the cinematic style changed with time. We begin in 1962 with Dr. No and conclude with No Time To Die (2021)

It is indisputable that the MI6 spy is a staple of movie history. Bond has been a part of the culture for over six decades. The highs are remarkably high, but the lows…oh, they are very low. Certain stories know how to make Bond more than just a handsome man with a license to kill, but others are more focused on capturing culture’s fascination with space or certain international events. 

Every actor who steps into the tuxedo has a chance to bring their own flair to the world-saving spy. Whether or not the choices made are good, well, that’s up to the audience to decide. In reading through some of the movie’s backstories, there are more than a few instances where the actor and the production studio disagreed on what direction or ethos to follow. There are a lot of talking heads when it comes to a franchise as large as James Bond, and it would appear that certain boardroom meetings had more attendees than a Spectre gathering.

So here we are. The fact that I am writing this means that I finished the job. All of the movies have been watched. Over the next few weeks, I will release my rankings of the movies. Come the end of this journey, there will be a massive post with all my thoughts wrapped into one. Those interested can most likely expect some additional thoughts on the Bond actors themselves and the famous theme songs for each venture.

007 is a cauldron of content to mine. With time on my hands, it’s time to begin sifting through my thoughts. With that being said, these are my feelings and my feelings alone. You may disagree and perhaps vehemently. It’s all subjective.

Also, I made a rule that my reactions can not exceed 250 words. Keep it short. Try to keep it concise. The guardrails were established from the start.

My first post will go out later today. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. I don’t mind being skewered. One can sympathize.

The list below provides a refresher of all the major 007 films.

  • Dr. No (1962)
  • From Russia with Love (1963)
  • Goldfinger (1964)
  • Thunderball (1965)
  • You Only Live Twice (1967)
  • On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)
  • Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
  • Live and Let Die (1973)
  • The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
  • The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
  • Moonraker (1979)
  • For Your Eyes Only (1981)
  • Octopussy (1983)
  • A View to a Kill (1985)
  • The Living Daylights (1987)
  • License to Kill (1989)
  • GoldenEye (1995)
  • Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
  • The World Is Not Enough (1999)
  • Die Another Day (2002)
  • Casino Royale (2006)
  • Quantum of Solace (2008)
  • Skyfall (2012)
  • Spectre (2015)
  • No Time to Die (2021)

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