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Tag: 1974

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“The Conversation” Is A Forgotten Francis Ford Coppola Gem

Despite being made in 1974, Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation still has a haunting impact that ripples throughout modern day society. The electronic surveillance technology at the center of this political thriller has improved greatly in the 50 years since The Conversation’s release, but the paranoia infused within Coppola’s private eye mystery still plays on every level.

Movies 0

“The Score” Scores Average Marks Across The Board

The Score (2001) is a turn of the century heist movie that has three massive stars on its poster. At this time Robert De Niro was a two-time Oscar winner and six-time nominee. Edward Norton had been nominated twice as a young actor and Marlon Brando is an eight-time nominee and two-time Academy Award Winner. For those counting, that’s 16 nominations and four wins between the three legs of The Score’s tripod.